This API can be used for automating the creation of Training Tilt members.
This API however does not do the actual creation of the accounts it only creates a token for an end user and stores the information about the membership plan an/or training plans.
So they can select their own username and password
In case they already have a Training Tilt account with the coaching business and have just purchased an additional plan and/or membership options
As an additional layer of security
The Functional Process
HTTP Post call from Infusionsoft (or another external system). This creates a record (Subscription Token) linked to the Infusionsoft contact and an email is triggered to the contact. Although designed for insfusionsoft any third party platform capable of performing an HTTP post as part of a process can use this api.
Customer receives email
Customer now either selects to link to an existing Training Tilt account (for the same platform) or create a new account.
New Account
Existing Account
If they user already has an existing Training Tilt account (for the same platform) they can login and link their account to the program they've just bought, this is good for users who buy multiple programs or memberships
If a specific training plan is part of the signup then they can also apply this if they wish. If you've set dates on the plan already this will be hidden from the user
If you've configured the membership to require accepting terms and conditions this will be the next step
Now the customer is presented with a link to login to the site and also sent an email with the same details
Now the customer can login and will have access to any training plans and resources associated with the membership plan.
The Backend
It is possible that the process may fail at some point or the user does not receive the original email or delete or misplace it. Therefore the Training Tilt backend now supports two new functions to manually intervene.
"Create Subscription Token" and "Resend Subscription Token"
Login to Training Tilt and go to the "Client Page"
Once you get to the Members Page click on the "Invitation and signup email history" button from the Members page in Training Tilt
To resend a token to a customer find the token using the filter for their email address. Then click the "Resend" button on the row. This will resend the token. Note: this will work only if the token has not already been claimed. If the token has already been claimed it will not work again as can only be used once. Sometimes it's possible that email servers will block our automated emails or add them to the recipients spam list. If for any reason they are not receiving the emails you can manually copy the verification link and send it to them directly. If it's for an existing customer you can also link it to their existing account
To create a new token click the "Invite" button. This will create a new token for a customer and send them an email to start the process. Fill in the details with the customers email address, the membership plan etc. Parameters are the same as those that are accepted by the API. There are many parameters you can include like invoice id, external identifier etc but the only required field is the customers email address.
Technical Details
Subscribing Members
Http method: Post
Parameters must be included in the body of the request. bold indicates required parameters, note that trainingPlanId is only required if subscriptionPlanId is not present and vice versa. And if the tag parameter is used then both the subscriptionPlanId and trainingPlanId parameters will be ignored. If you use the tag parameter you need to ensure your tag mappings have been set up correctly in Training Tilt.
Sample Request Body (JSON):
Required parameters only (sample data only not for testing)
"applicationKey": "l80RndBKpUSIW3xHuQK4xA",
"tag": "FullMembership",
"memberReference": "xyz1234",
"emailAddress": ""
Sample HTTP Post set up using Infusionsoft as an example
Required and highly recommended parameters only
Note: The values in these screenshots are sample values and are not necessarily the values you will need.
Note that the emailAddress, firstName, lastName and memberReference parameters are all taken as a merge fields from the Infusionsoft contact record.
Un-Subscribing Members
When members cancel their payments/accounts from your third party system (Infusionsoft) then you can call our api to unsubscribe them from their Training Tilt accounts. Members can be subscribed to multiple plans so we only unsubscribe them from the plan based on the api parameters you send us
Http method: Post
Parameters must be included in the body of the request. bold indicates required parameters.
Sample Request Body (JSON):
Required parameters only (sample data only not for testing)
"applicationKey": "l80RndBKpUSIW3xHuQK4xA",
"tag": "FullMembership",
"memberReference": "xyz1234",
"emailAddress": ""
Sample Infusionsoft HTTP Post set up
Required and highly recommended parameters only
Note: The values in these screenshots are sample values and are not necessarily the values you will need.
Note that the emailAddress and memberReference parameters are all taken as a merge fields from the infusionsoft contact record.
How to set up your tag mappings in Training Tilt
Login to Training Tilt and go to the following url remember to replace the first part of this link with your unique Training Tilt URL.
Click the Add button to add a new mapping. Type in a tag (from your system you are calling the api from) and link it to a subscription plan and optionally a training plan. This will ensure that when this tag is passed into the api using the "tag" parameter the user will be correctly linked to the appropriate membership plan and training plan.
How to get the subscriptionPlanId from Training Tilt
Note: You do not need to do this if you are using the "tag" parameter and have setup the tag mapping in your Training Tilt platform
Login to Training Tilt and go to the "Membership Plans" section
Click edit on a membership plan
The unique identifier is shown at the bottom. This is what is required for the subscriptionPlanId
How to get the trainingPlanId from Training Tilt
Note: You do not need to do this if you are using the "tag" parameter and have setup the tag mapping in your Training Tilt platform
Login to Training Tilt and go to the "Plans" section
Click edit on a training plan then copy the unique identifier.