You can hide future workouts in two different scenarios in the platform.
The first is for one on one coaching when you want to hide some future workouts from an athlete that have been prescribed by a coach.
The second scenario is if you are offering online memberships and training plan subscriptions where you want to restrict athletes/subscribers from being able to see entire Training Plans at once.
Scenario One: For One on One Coaching
Sometimes you want to plan training for your athletes against their calendar before you let them see them.ย
You can do this in two ways. The first is by configuring a global setting in your platform settings to show your athletes only X days of training in advance. This will apply to all of your athletes for workouts coaches subscribe to them.
The second way is to set a "Hide from" date OR set the number of days to show in advance directly against individual athlete accounts in case you want to show some athletes more days in advance than others.
Individual Client Settings
Important Notes:ย
1. These settings will only apply to workouts that have been prescribed to the athlete by a coach. The settings will not apply if an athlete has created a training session for themselves or if they have applied a training plan to their own schedule.
2. The settings will also only apply to workouts that were created or edited on an athlete calendar by a coach on or after the date this feature was first released. 20th of August 2018 Universal Time.
3. On the mobile apps depending on the athletes time zone they may see one extra day of training than configured. This is because the mobile apps have not been updated to send their time zone to the server yet. Once that has been updated on the mobile apps it will match the configured value correctly.
Configuring the Global Setting
First log in and go to your platform settings page.
Click on Training Plans in the left hand config menu.
Edit the "Maximum number of days of training to show athletes" setting. Set it to a numerical value and save.
For example if set to 14 days athletes will only be able to see training that has been subscribed to them by a coach for 14 days in advance. Any training more than 14 days into the future will be hidden from them. This can be overridden at the individual athlete account by editing the athlete. This setting does not apply to any training the athlete has subscribed for themselves.
Configuring the per Athlete Setting
To configure this for an individual athlete, go to the members/athletes list and click on the athlete you want to configure. You can only choose one of the options for each client shown below.
Edit the "Hide Planned From Date" or the "Show number of days training in advance" field to the maximum number of days of training to show them. This will override the global value for this specific athlete only. Leave the setting blank to inherit from the global setting.
Using a Date
This will hide all calendar items from this date onwards.
If you use this option, you will need to clear it or move it forward when you want your clients to see the workouts beyond this date.
Using a Number of Days
This will hide workouts X days from the current date.
For example configure the value to 14 if you want to show the athlete 14 days of training into the future.
This option can be left permanently on as it will roll forward as the actual date changes.
Allow Individual Athletes Unlimited Visibility
In some cases you may want to set a global setting to apply to all of your athletes but may have a few athletes where you just want them to be able to see all of the training prescribed to them regardless of the global setting. To do this you can follow the steps above for configuring for an individual athlete but set the value to -1. This will override any other settings and show the athlete all of their future training.
Scenario Two: For Training Plans and Training Plan Applied Workouts
When selling subscription based memberships you may want to protect your intellectual property by restricting your customers access to parts of a training plan.
You can specify a maximum number of days to show of a training plan (and workouts applied to the calendar from a training plan) to customers on certain membership plans.
You can configure the maximum number of days to show from the "Advanced" tab of a membership plan. When a customer signs up to that membership plan that value will be applied to their account.
You can also set this manually on individual athlete accounts by editing the clients account from the client list.
Important Note: If you are also using the seperate "Show number of days in advance" for your one on one coaching athletes this new setting will override that setting and it will be ignored. This goes for both the global setting and the athlete specific setting.
The Template Plan View
Now when athletes view any of the template plans they have access too they will only be able to see the number of configured days worth of training. The workouts will still show but the detail (name, and description) will be hidden. The time and type will still be visible so that the athlete can see the overall nature of the program but not the detail needed to execute it. If the value is set to 14 days then the athlete will only ever be able to see the details of the first 14 days of the Training Plan.
When Applied to Calendar
Once the training plan has been applied to the calendar the 14 day period still applies but will begin from today's date so that athletes will always be able to see up to 14 days of training in advance. On the calendar view the workouts will not show at all and will be completely hidden until the fall within the 14 day period. The athlete will have a clear indicator of which days may contain hidden workouts. This is the case for any workouts applied from a Training Plan by the athlete or a coach. Any workouts created manually by the coach or athlete however will not be hidden. This setting only applies to workouts that were applied as part of a training plan.
Each day that may have hidden workouts is marked with a lock and when the athlete hovers over the lock a message will appear indicating how many days that need to pass before the workouts will be revealed.