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Workout Feedback Notifications

Configure your notifications for workout feedback

Cam Langsford avatar
Written by Cam Langsford
Updated over a week ago

You can receive email notifications when your clients update their workout feedback.

There are three separate types of notifications than can be triggered. 

  1. When an client updates their workout comments

  2. When a client marks a workout as complete or 

  3. When a clients workout is synced with a training platform like Strava or Garmin Connect.

There are two things you need to ensure to get notified of any of these. The first is that you are their assigned coach, and the second is that you have the correct notification turned on.

Watch the video or follow the instructions with screenshots to get it setup.

First go to your client list from the People - Clients menu. Then click on the client you want to assign yourself as the coach.

Assigning a Coach

Select yourself or the coach that needs to be notified and save.

Configuring the Notification Setting

The coach who needs to be notified must also have the specific notification setting turned on.

Go to Notification Settings from the top right hand menu.

Review the description of which notifications you wish to alert the coach.  There are three particular notifications to consider:

Workout Comments

This notification is for when a client leaves a comment against a workout. Prior to this change this notification setting would also include when the client simply marked their workout as completed. Marked as complete is now a separate setting.

Marked as Complete

This allows the coach to choose not to receive a notification for this action while still receiving actual comment notifications.

Workout Synced

When a client workout is synced from their device from a training platform like Garmin Connect or Strava. This is off by default.

Once you've  selected which setting you want to change, you can click on the button to turn on or off.

Note: below indicates the notification is ON.

Note: below indicates the notification is OFF.

Finally, don't forget to save.

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