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V3 Workout Builder
Cam Langsford avatar
Written by Cam Langsford
Updated over 12 months ago

We have not started working on a new version of our workout builder that is more flexible for prescribing workouts.

The main advantages of the new workout builder is being able to prescribe multiple target types within the same intervals. For example you can prescribe both power and heart rate targets for each interval. This means you no longer have to create multiple versions of a workout to support athletes who do not necessarily have the correct devices. For example all intervals could have prescribed power, heart rate, pace and RPE so even if athletes do not have a power meter, HR monitor or even a GPS watch can still perform the workout using the target of their choice.

2024-02-26 Initial Release into Workout Library

The initial release of the V3 Workout Builder is in the Workout Library only, and not available in the calendar view yet. This is mainly so coaches can start testing it and give feedback on the functionality.

You can access the new builder using this button inside a workout in your Library. First go to Coaching - Library.

Now edit or create a new workout. Once in edit mode you will see the "Build Workout (Beta)" button. The original button is still there to use the legacy builder.


  1. This version will allow you to add more than one target type to an interval but those will not yet show in the calendar view, so for now workouts built with the new builder when applied to an athlete will still just default to the default target for the interval. So if Power and Heart Rate are prescribed, for now only Power will be displayed to athletes. This will be resolved within a few weeks and at that point it will make more sense to start prescribing these workouts to athletes.

  2. The same issue applies when athletes send their workouts to Garmin, for now only the default target will be sent to Garmin. We need to implement a "Preferred Target Type" setting for athletes so they can configure whether they prefer Power, HR or Pace for their workouts. Then it will be that value that is used when being sent to Garmin.

New Features

Multiple Target Types

You can now prescribe multiple target types to individual intervals.

Mixed Target Types

Given the above is now possible, you can also now specify mixed target types across intervals. In the legacy workout builder all intervals had to be the same target type, all power, or all HR etc. Now you can have some intervals with power, some with HR, some with Pace and some with RPE

Adding New Intervals

When you add a new interval you now have more options to choose from for presets for the new interval, this will save time as cuts down on a few steps.

Automatically Add RPE

Any athlete, regardless of what devices they are using can execute a workout if RPE is prescribed. You can set RPE manually on intervals or you can switch this on so a default RPE is added to all new intervals you add to the workout.

File Download Compatibility

As you modify the workout you will be able to see how you changes effect the file download compatibility.

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