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How to Configure Target Preferences
How to Configure Target Preferences
Cam Langsford avatar
Written by Cam Langsford
Updated over a year ago

Structured workout intervals can be created with more than one target type for each interval (Power, HR, Pace, RPE) which means you don't have to create separate workouts if you don't have access to Power, or HR devices etc.

To support this extra flexibility with our integrations with external platforms like Garmin we athletes can configure "Target Preferences" this will allow athletes or their coaches to prioritize which targets to use from an interval if multiple have been prescribed.

Athletes can access target preferences from the "Target Preferences" button from their Training Zones settings or from the top right hand menu of the web app.

Coaches can access target preferences for an athlete from the athletes training zones configuration page, or on one of our newer pages from the athlete options menu.



By default athletes won't have any target preferences configured, so this will mean that the default target types from each interval will always be used when sending workouts to external platforms like Garmin or when downloading structured workout files like FIT files.


To apply a default set of preference you can use the "Apply Default Template"

The default template will include seperate preferences for running and cycling workouts and then a third set of preferences for all other workout types.


If an athlete does not have the appropriate device for a specific workout type then it should be removed from the preferences. Select the preference in the current box and use the arrow to move it to the unused box.



You can also re-order the current preference to ensure favored targets are used if available in the structured workout.


Note that preferences will only be applied if that preference has been prescribed in a workout interval. For example if Power is the only target type prescribed in an interval then that target will be applied regardless of the athletes target preferences.

If you want to reset the preferences and always use the defaults from the intervals use the "Use Workout Defaults" button. You can also use the "Apply Default Template" to bring the preferences back to the defaults.

Ensure to use the save button after making any changes

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