Some bigger changes released today making the workout builder more flexible and available in the calendar and training plan view.
You can also now update library workouts from the calendar view as well as creating new ones.
Workout Builder Changes
Available in Calendar
You can now edit your structured workouts in calendar view. Clients can now also edit and create their own structured workouts in their calendar.
Customize for Training Plan or Client
Structured workouts can now be customized inside a training plan or for a client regardless of whether the original workout was from the library. When saving a change in the calendar view, you can decide whether to update the original library workout or save it directly to the Training Plan or the client in context.
Setting Intensity Based on HR, Pace or Speed % of Threshold
You can now base the target intensity on HR, Pace, Power or Speed thresholds
FIT File Download
For the first time, you can now download the FIT file version of your structured workouts.
Create or Update Library Workouts from Calendar
Coaches can now update existing workouts to the library from the calendar view as well as creating new ones. If a workout is already linked to a library workout then you will be given the option to update the existing library workout or save a new one.